Meet the Team

The HTZ family

We are not only coworkers but a family bound by a singular goal – to provide the BEST service possible for our clients, no matter the project or it’s stage. We lift each other up, encourage family-first, and praise a job done.

We are all better TOGETHER!

Owned and Operated by

Adam & Lori Bryant

adam lori profile

Adam Bryant


  • Role: Support all departments especially construction and finance. and come up with new big ideas to grow the company.
  • Fun Fact: I am passionate about health and help run Seeking Whole Health with my wife Lori where we hold an annual Christian health conference amongst other small events. I like video games and can still somewhat compete with my oldest son while playing.
  • Favorite Verse: …choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served… But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15
  • What I love most about my job: To get to serve The Lord by creating opportunity as an entrepreneur. Whether that opportunity is for a client to realize their dreams, or for an employee or trade partner to grow to grow and prosper, or to help community organizations and charities have more impact I love the ripple effect a thriving business creates that was not previously there.

Lori Bryant

Owner/Chief Giving Officer

  • Role: Discover, plan and track giving opportunities
  • Fun Fact: I’ve been homeschooling my four children for 13 years, and I’m passionate about holistic health.
  • Favorite Verse: 3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
  • What I love most about my job: The joy of service. Whether it’s supporting my team, interacting with our clients, or organizing our company giving, I love that I get to serve others.

Our Core Values


Do the Right Thing with urgency

Continuous Growth

Family First

Be Positive

The Team

Kristen R

Kristen R

General Manager / Integrator

  • Role: Support all departments in running smoothly, especially the design team, and develop in implement new systems.
  • Fun Fact: I have been a part of an adult cheerleading team, and even exhibited at a local competition performing stunts, tumbling, and dance!
  • Favorite Verse: For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me, and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart. – Jer 29:11-13
  • What I love most about my job: The impact I have the opportunity make on a daily basis; to our clients creating beautiful/funcational spaces that improve their lives, to our team in leading them with compassion and encouragement, and to our community in all the ways that we give big!
Nicole S

Nicole S

Project Consultant

  • Role: Develop relationships with prospects and educate them on our process. Work with clients through Phase 1 and 2 to provide solutions based on their wants, needs and budget.
  • Fun fact: I was a photographer for 15+ years! I love all things art, and enjoy tackling “do-it-yourself” projects around the house.
  • Favorite Verse: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
  • What I love most about my job: Seeing the smile on our clients face once the project is fully completed. I get the privilege of working with the client from the very beginning, where we start to envision the space, it then evolves into 3D conceptual images and finally it is brought to life during construction. What a magical experience, that I get to share with each of our clients. By the end, we are all like family.
James K

James K

Production Manager

  • Role: Lead all things construction related and deliver elevated client experiences. Keep track of communication, materials, trades, and schedules once the construction has begun to ensure satisfaction and on time completion.
Gina D

Gina D


  • Role: Work with Nicole from the very beginning of the Phase 1 Design Discovery phase to create schematic renderings and plans.
  • Fun Fact: I’ve been a NICU nurse for 11 years and in my free time love to do home projects… one can say I am an Avid DIY-er.
  • Favorite Verse: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
  • What I love most about my job: Our HTZ family — We all strive to deliver the best service to our clients. I also love serving our clients by helping bring their visions to life. It is so fulfilling to watch projects go from the starting design phase to the end result knowing that I was part of the process to create a more functional, updated (and BEAUTIFUL) home. 🙂
Jessica S

Jessica S

Interior Designer

  • Role: Work with clients through Phase 2 Detailed Design and in the background of the Pre-Construction & Active Construction phases. Assist clients with finalizing all design selections for a beautiful and cohesive space and detailed construction documents.
  • Fun Fact: From the age of 8, my dream has been to become an interior designer. When I’m not working, I enjoy cooking and baking, and I’ve even won a baking contest at a county fair.
  • Favorite Verse: John 13:7 You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.
  • What I love most about my job: The team. I love getting to be apart of a team that truly cares about their clients and the design. It’s inspiring to witness everyone’s dedication to making the client’s dream a reality.
Nicole M

Nicole M

Interior Designer

  • Role: Work with clients through Phase 2 Detailed Design and in the background of the Pre-Construction & Active Construction phases. Assist clients with finalizing all design selections for a beautiful and cohesive space and detailed construction documents.
  • Fun Fact:  I love to travel and I want to see the world, so far I have been to 6 different countries. I also love to read in my spare time, and I have read about 30 books in a year.
  • Favorite Quote: “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end” John Lennon.
  • What I love most about my job: I love working with HTZ. They are a family inside and out. I can always come to anyone and learn from them. I also get to be a better designer on their team.
Courtney C

Courtney C

Marketing Coordinator

  • Role: Capture photos/videos at job sites. Create content for social media, email marketing, online presence and direct mail.
  • Fun Fact: I have a background in the arts. From painting, ceramics, & textiles, to theatre & art history, I love working with and teaching others about the beautiful world around us.
  • Favorite Quote/Verse: Psalm 30:11-12 “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!”
  • What I love most about my job: The people. By far, working with the team of HTZ has been the most enjoyable experience since the moment I became a part of it. Everyone is willing to help, work together, and serve one another (and others!) in a way that is truly unique to the company.
Mike R

Mike R

Project Manager/Estimator

  • Role: Lead all things construction related and deliver elevated client experiences. Keep track of communication, materials, trades, and schedules once the construction has begun to ensure satisfaction and on time completion.
  • Fun Fact:  I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. I enjoy being outside and working in my garden.
  • Favorite Verse: John 11:35 “Jesus Wept.” This verse is so powerful in so many ways.
  • What I love most about my job: I enjoy being able to work with people that care not just about the work that we do on a daily basis and how we can do and be better but about me as a person.
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